IDIBC instituted the Fellow Awards to recognize the outstanding contributions of certain members and individuals in the design community. Registered Members and Fellows who wish to propose a nominee for consideration by the Fellow Nomination Committee in 2025 can download a nomination form here.

Fellow Awards will be announced at the AGM.

Deadline for 2024 nominations is March 31, 2025. Completed forms should be emailed to IDIBC.
Fellow Members

A Fellow is currently, or was previously, a Registered member who has been nominated by the Membership and approved by the Fellow Nomination Committee for having contributed in a significant manner through distinguished service to the betterment of the Association, the interior design profession or the applied arts to an extent sufficient to warrant the honour of Fellow.

IDIBC has awarded this designation to the following:

John Ashley-Pryce

Aliki Gladwin

Sooz Klinkhamer

Sally Mills

Keath Seeton

Ron Strandberg

Catherine Youngren

Terry Chiu

Michele Guest

Robert Ledingham

Joanne Pocock

Gerry Shinkewski

Jim Toy

Ellen Collinson

David Hanson

Karen Lutz

Lynne Rines

Georgi-Anna Sizeland

Jack Watts

Avril Flather

Carol Jones

Jane McCuthcheon

Anne Savill

Susan Steeves

Erica Wickes